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- What plants need to grow

Plant nutrient quiz and VR-game at the 4th Night of Knowledge on 26 January

Plants are really no different from humans: for healthy growth and high performance they rely on good nutrition. But how can we tell which mineral is missing in a plant? And how can we make sure plants receive all the nutrients they need?


The Night of Knowledge, “Nacht des Wissens” on 26 January offers a perfect opportunity for finding out – and for learning lots of interesting facts, by participating in the IAPN nutrient quiz and VR-game. Find us at `ZHG Oberes Foyer´, the gallery of the central lecture building on the Göttingen Campus, from 5 – 12 pm. (Lageplan/siteplan). Admission is free to all Night-of-Knowledge-events.


Nutrient quiz: which mineral is missing?

The nutrient quiz consists of plants with discernible deficiency symptoms. The challenge is to find out exactly which mineral is missing. Foliage and roots provide vital clues as to which nutrient is not or insufficiently available.


Telling colors: thermal images of nutrient deficiencies

Even though nutrient deficiencies may be invisible to the naked eye, infrared photography can help to identify altered leaf transpiration. The colors shown provide important information on leaf temperature and the plant’s nutritional status. During the 4th Night of Knowledge, IAPN-scientists will demonstrate this exciting technology, providing insight into their research activities.


VR-game: find the right nutrient for optimum growth

Once you’ve solved the nutrient quiz, you can have a go at virtual-reality-fertilization. Based on Liebig’s famous principle, your job is to provide an optimal mix of nutrients to your plants. A VR-headset will transport you to the virtual world; a joystick will enable you to steer fertilization. The more efficient you meet this challenge the more your plants will thrive.



A look back on the 2nd Night of Knowledge:

Without Potassium Sunflowers Catch Cold

More on the Night of Knowledge

Programm zur Nacht des Wissens




As of:22/10/2022
© IAPN – Institute of Applied Plant Nutrition
University of Goettingen
Carl-Sprengel-Weg 1
D-37075 Goettingen