Hauer-Jákli, M. & Tränkner, M. (2019): Critical leaf magnesium thresholds and the impact of magnesium on plant growth and photo-oxidative defense: A systematic review and meta-analysis from 70 years of research. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00766.
Dr. Melanie Hauer-Jákli
Dr. Melanie Hauer-Jákli worked at the IAPN from May 2018 until April 2019. She focussed on the project “Evaluation of critical nutrient concentrations”.
In this project, a systematic literature search is performed to gather published data about nutrient concentrations in plants together with yield parameters and further parameters
that characterize productivity at different levels of fertilization. In a second step, statistical tools are used to evaluate the effect of fertilization on productivity and to determine
critical nutrient ranges for maintaining functioning of physiologically important processes.
In 2015, Melanie Hauer-Jákli finished her PhD with the thesis entitled “Catch crops and sugar beet variety types at Heterodera schachtii infested fields – nematode-host
interactions and options for nematode control” at the Institute of Sugar Beet Research (IfZ), department of agronomy, at the University of Göttingen. Since July 2015, she worked on
plant protection strategies in sugar beet cultivation at the department of systems analysis at IfZ.
Publications in refereed journals and refereed conference proceedings.
Jákli, B.; Hauer-Jákli, M.; Böttcher, F.; Meyer zur Müdehorst, J.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2018): Leaf, canopy and agronomic water-use efficiency of field-grown sugar beet in response to potassium fertilization. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 204, 99-110.
Wirtz, I.P.; Hauer-Jákli, M.; Schenke, D.; Ladewig, E.; Märländer, B.; Heimbach, U. & Pistorius, J. (2018): Investigations on neonicotinoids in guttation fluid of seed treated sugar beet: Frequency, residue levels and discussion of the potential risk to honey bees. Crop Protection 105, 28-34.
Hauer, M.; Hansen, A.-L.; Manderyck, B.; Olsson, A.; Raaijmakers, E.; Hanse, B.; Stockfisch, N. & Märländer, B. (2017): Neonicotinoids in sugar beet cultivation in Central and Northern Europe: Efficacy and environmental impact of neonicotinoid seed treatments and alternative measures. Crop Protection 93, 132-142.
Hauer-Jákli, M.; Nause, N.; Trimpler, K.; Stockfisch, N. & Märländer, B. (2017): CONVISO® ONE - Approach to a system analysis of the herbicide strategy. Sugar Industry 142, 704-712.
Koch, H.-J.; Windt, A.; Mittler, S. & Hauer, M. (2017): Effect of weather variables on biomass production and N uptake of catch crops, and their influence on soil water and Nmin content in Northern Germany. Journal für Kulturpflanzen 69, 361-372.
Hauer, M.; Koch, H.-J.; Krüssel, S.; Mittler, S. & Märländer, B. (2016): Integrated control of Heterodera schachtii Schmidt in Central Europe by trap crop cultivation, sugar beet variety choice (Beta vulgaris L.) and nematicide application. Applied Soil Ecology 99, 62-69.
Hauer, M.; Koch, H.-J.; Mittler, S.; Windt, A.; Krüssel, S.; Schlinker, G.; Wollenweber, D.; Rustemeyer, C. & Märländer, B. (2016): Zwischenfruchtanbau, Sortenwahl, N-Düngung: Wirkung auf N-Versorgung und Ertrag von Zuckerrüben sowie auf die Nematodendichte. Sugar Industry 141, 44-52.
Hauer, M.; Koch, H.-J. & Märländer, B. (2015): Water use efficiency of sugar beet cultivars (Beta vulgaris L.) susceptible, tolerant or resistant to Heterodera schachtii (Schmidt) in environments with contrasting infestation levels. Field Crops Research 183, 356-364.
Jung, E.-Y.; Otieno, D.; Kwon, H.; Berger, S.; Hauer, M. & Tenhunen, J. (2014): Influence of elevation on canopy transpiration of temperate deciduous forests in a complex mountainous terrain of South Korea, Plant and Soil 378: 153-172.
Hauer, M. (2016): Water use efficiency of sugar beet varieties susceptible, tolerant and resistant to beet cyst nematodes. 75th Congress of the International Institute for Beet Research (IIRB), February 16th - 17th, Brussels, Belgium.
Hauer, M. (2015): Tolerance to Heterodera schachtii in sugar beet due to enhanced use of water and nitrogen? 58. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, September 22th - 24th , Braunschweig, Germany.
Hauer, M. (2015): Zwischenfruchtanbau vor Zuckerrüben: Wasserverbrauch, N-Auswaschung, Nematodenkontrolle. 12. Göttinger Zuckerrübentagung, September 03rd, Göttingen, Germany.
Koch, H.-J. & Hauer, M. (2015): Einfluss des Rübenzystennematoden auf Ertrag und Evapotranspiration toleranter, anfälliger und resistenter Zuckerrüben. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, September 05th.- 10th, Munich, Germany.
Hauer, M. (2014): Zwischenfruchtanbau zur integrierten Nematodenkontrolle in Norddeutschland. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, September 16th - 18th, Vienna, Austria.
Hauer-Jákli, M. & Tränkner, M. (2018): A Meta-analysis Study on the Effects of Mg on Photosynthesis and Plant Growth. The 3rd International Symposium on Magnesium, November 25th -28th, Guangzhou, China.
Windt, A.; Hauer, M.; Mittler, S.; Geburt, K. & Koch, H.-J. (2016): Integrated control of beet cyst nematodes by catch crop cultivation and sugar beet variety choice. 75th Congress of the International Institute for Beet Research (IIRB), February 16th - 17th, Brussels, Belgium.
Hauer, M.; Mittler, S., Windt, A. & Koch, H.-J. (2015): Einfluss von Heterodera schachtii auf die Stickstoffversorgung anfälliger, toleranter und resistenter Zuckerrübensortentypen. VDLUFA-Tagung, September 15th - 18th, Göttingen, Germany.
Hauer, M.; Mittler, S.; Windt, A. & Koch, H.-J. (2014): Integrated control of the sugar beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii – Catch crops, Sugar beet genotypes, Nematicide. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung, September 23rd - 26th, Freiburg, Germany.
Hauer, M.; Mittler, S.; Windt, A. & Koch, H.-J. (2014): Water use efficiency of three sugar beet genotypes in relation to cyst nematode infestation. 74th IIRB Congress, July 1st - 3rd, Dresden, Germany.
Hauer, M. & Koch, H.-J. (2013): Water use efficiency of three sugar beet types at sites with and without nematode infestation – concept and first results. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, September 7th - 12th, Rostock, Germany.
Hauer, M. & Märländer, B. (2016): Ertrag und Wasserverbrauch nematodentoleranter und – resistenter Zuckerrübensorten. Zuckerrübe 65 (1), 37-39.
Koch, H.-J.; Geburt, K. & Hauer, M. (2016): Zwischenfrüchte in Zuckerrüben Fruchtfolgen – Nematodenbekämpfung und Zuckerertrag. Zuckerrübe 65 (3), 42-44.
Hauer, M. (2015): Catch crops and sugar beet variety types at Heterodera schachtii infested fields – nematode-host interactions and options for nematode control. Dissertation Universität Göttingen, Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen, ISBN 978-3-7369-9147-7.