Prof. Dr. Klaus Dittert

Prof. Dr. Klaus Dittert is the scientific director of the IAPN. Heading the institute is part of his duties as director of the Division of Plant Nutrition and Crop Physiology in the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Göttingen, to which the IAPN is closely associated.


Research for Practice

Increasing demands on the quality of agricultural production and climate change create a host of new challenges for plant nutrition research. There is a steadily growing need for both crops and cultivation systems that are able to tolerate adverse environmental conditions, so that good yields can be produced even in unfavorable situations and on less fertile soils. “So far, mineral nutrition problems were mainly researched under otherwise satisfactory growth conditions. In the future, however, research on plant nutrition will increasingly need to consider additional limiting factors, such as water scarcity, drought stress or heat stress”, says Professor Dittert.

“Ever since the beginning of my scientific activities, research approaches with close links to the nutrition of agricultural crops in the field have been at the focus of my attention”, says Dittert. “It is my very personal concern to contribute to the sustainable and environmentally safe production of healthy food, via research, teaching and knowledge transfer.” And: “A focal point of my work is the nutrition of crop plants with nitrogen, an aspect that will continue to play an important role in my research at the University of Göttingen but, at the IAPN, we have excellent chances to greatly expand the scope of plant nutritional issues, crop plants and cultivation conditions.”

One of the issues the IAPN is exploring is the mutual interaction of plant nutrients and other environmental influences. One of the IAPN’s most important working fields is the connection between nutrient supply and water-use efficiency. “How can we enable plants to use scarce water supplies efficiently, and to thrive with less water? At the IAPN, we’ve taken on the task of enhancing the relevant physiological knowledge, in cooperation with our expert partners.”

Dittert also views the IAPN as a forum that consciously turns to international, practice-oriented research. The institute strives to expand its cooperation with a host of national and international research institutions, in various countries. “In order to spread and deepen the knowledge gained, it is indispensable for these institutions to have a multiplier effect. Ideally, scientists who have studied at the Göttingen IAPN or who have spent time conducting research there will continue to do so at their home institutes, maintaining a relationship with the IAPN. In this way, we can all learn from each other and the IAPN staff takes inspirations and benefits from a well-functioning international network of peers working on applied plant nutrition research.”



Publications in refereed journals and refereed conference proceedings.

Kesenheimer, K.; Augustin, J.; Hegewald, H.; Köbke, S.; Dittert, K.; Räbiger, T.; Quinones, T. S.; Prochnow, A.; Hartung, J.; Fuss, R.; Stichnothe, H.; Flessa, H. & Ruser, R. (2021) Nitrification inhibitors reduce N2O emissions induced by application of biogas digestate to oilseed rape. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 120(1), 119-120. doi:10.1007/s10705-021-10138-5.

Mugo, J.N.; Karanja, N.; Gachene, C.; Dittert, K. & Schulte-Geldermann, E. (2021) Response of potato to fertilizers applied on different soil types in Kenyan Highlands. Agronomy Journal. doi:ARTN 1-13 10.1002/agj2.20827.

Mugo, J.N.; Karanja, N.N.; Gachene, C.K.; Dittert, K.; Gitari, H.I. & Schulte-Geldermann, E. (2021) Response of potato crop to selected nutrients in central and eastern highlands of Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 7(1). doi:Artn 1898762 10.1080/23311932.2021.1898762.

Rummel, P.S.; Well, R.; Pausch, J.; Pfeiffer, B. & Dittert, K. (2021) Carbon availability and nitrogen mineralization control denitrification rates and product stoichiometry during initial maize litter decomposition. Applied Sciences, 11(11), doi:10.3390/app11115309.

Rummel, P.S.; Well, R.; Pfeiffer, B.; Dittert, K.; Floßmann, S. & Pausch, J. (2021) Nitrate uptake and carbon exudation – do plant roots stimulate or inhibit denitrification? Plant and Soil, 459(1), 17.doi:10.1007/s11104-020-04750-7.

Wang, H.T.; Ma, S.T.; Shao, G.D. & Dittert, K. (2021). Use of urease and nitrification inhibitors to decrease yield-scaled N2O emissions from winter wheat and oilseed rape fields: A two-year field experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 319. doi:ARTN 107552 10.1016/j.agee.2021.107552.

Guo, L.; Liu, M.J.; Tao, Y.Y.; Zhang, Y.N.; Li, G.Y.; Lin, S. & Dittert, K. (2020) Innovative water-saving ground cover rice production system increases yield with slight reduction in grain quality. Agricultural Systems, 180.

Ivens, S.; Wiese, G.; Dittert, K.; Musshoff, O. & Oberle, M. (2020) Bringing policy decisions to the people-education for sustainable development through a digital simulation game. Sustainability 12, 8743, 10.3390/su12208743.

Mugo, J.N.; Karanja, N.N.; Gachene, C.K.; Dittert, K.; Nyawade, S.O. & Schulte-Geldermann, E. (2020) Assessment of soil fertility and potato crop nutrient status in central and eastern highlands of Kenya. Scientific Reports, 10, doi:ARTN 7779 10.1038/s41598-020-64036-x.

Rummel, P.S.; Pfeiffer, B.; Pausch, J.; Well, R.; Schneider, D, & Dittert, K. (2020) Maize root and shoot litter quality controls short-term CO2 and N2O emissions and bacterial community structure of arable soil. Biogeosciences, 17: 1181–1198,

Surey, R.; Schimpf, C.M.; Sauheitl, L.; Mueller, C.W.; Rummel, P.S.; Dittert, K., Kaiser, K.; Böttcher, J. & Mikutta, R. (2020) Potential denitrification stimulated by water-soluble organic carbon from plant residues during initial decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 147: 107841,

Suriyagoda, L.; Tränkner, M. & Dittert, K. (2020) Effects of potassium nutrition and water availability on iron toxicity of rice at seedling stage. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 43, 2350-2367,

Wang, H.T.; Beule, L.; Zang, H.D.; Pfeiffer, B.; Ma, S.T.; Karlovsky, P. & Dittert, K. (2020) The potential of ryegrass as cover crop to reduce soil N2O emissions and increase the population size of denitrifying bacteria. European Journal of Soil Science.

Wang, H.T.; Köbke, S. & Dittert, K. (2020) Use of urease and nitrification inhibitors to reduce gaseous nitrogen emissions from fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate and urea. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22. doi:ARTN e00933 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e00933.

Wang, H.T.; Ma, S.T. & Dittert, K. (2020) Straw amendments did not induce high N2O emissions in non-frozen wintertime conditions: A study in northern Germany. Soil Use and Management 36:693-703,

Abbadi, J.; Dittert, K.; Steingrobe, B. & Claassen, N. (2019) Mechanisms of potassium uptake efficiency and dynamics in the rhizosphere of safflower and sunflower in different soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42, 2459-2483: doi:10.1080/01904167.2019.1655035.

Grahmann, K.; Dittert, K.; Verhulst, N.; Govaerts, B. & Buerkert, A. (2019) N-15 Fertilizer recovery in different tillage-straw systems on a Vertisol in north-west Mexico. Soil Use and Management 35: 482-491.

Khanal, G.; Wachendorf, C.; Dittert, K.; Willich, M.; Dietz, H.; Buerkert, A. & Ingold, M. (2019) Nitrogen turnover in a repeatedly manured arid subtropical soil: Incubation studies with 15N isotopes. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 182, 836-845. doi:10.1002/jpln.201800340.

Chen, Q.; Wang, Z.-L.; Zou, C.B.; Fan, Y.; Dittert, K. & Lin, S. (2018) Legacy effects of historical grazing affect the response of vegetation dynamics to water and nitrogen addition in semi-arid steppe. Applied Vegetation Science.

Grahmann, K.; Verhulst, N.; Dittert, K.; Govaerts, B. & Buerkert, A. (2018) High N fertilizer application to irrigated wheat in Northern Mexico for conventionally tilled and permanent raised beds: Effects on N balance and short term N dynamics. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 181, 606-620.

Guo, L.; Liu, M.J.; Zhang, Y.A.; Tao, Y.Y.; Zhang, F.; Li, G.Y.; Dittert, K. & Lin, S. (2018) Yield differences get large with ascendant altitude between traditional paddy and water-saving ground cover rice production system. Eur. J. Agron. 92, 9-16.

Jákli, B.; Hauer-Jákli, M.; Böttcher, F.; Meyer zur Müdehorst, J.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2018): Leaf, canopy and agronomic water-use efficiency of field-grown sugar beet in response to potassium fertilization. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 204, 99-110.

Köbke, S.; Senbayram, M.; Pfeiffer, B.; Nacke, H. & Dittert, K. (2018) Post-harvest N2O and CO2 emissions related to plant residue incorporation of oilseed rape and barley straw depend on soil NO3- content. Soil and Tillage Research 179, 105-113.

Suriyagoda, L.D.B.; Dittert, K. & Lambers, H. (2018) Arsenic in rice soils and potential agronomic mitigation strategies to reduce arsenic bioavailability: a review. Pedosphere 28, 363-382.

Suriyagoda, L.D.B.; Dittert, K. & Lambers, H. (2018) Mechanism of arsenic uptake, translocation and plant resistance to accumulate arsenic in rice grains. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 253, 23-37.

Tao, H.H.; Donough, C.; Gerendas, J.; Hoffmann, M.P.; Cahyo, A.; Sugianto, H.; Wandri, R.; Rahim, G.A.; Fisher, M.; Rötter, R.P.; Dittert, K.; Pardon, L. & Oberthur, T. (2018) Fertilizer management effects on oil palm yield and nutrient use efficiency on sandy soils with limited water supply in Central Kalimantan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 112, 317-333.

Tavakol, E.; Jákli, B.; Cakmak, I.; Dittert, K.; Karlovsky, P.; Pfohl, K. & Senbayram, M. (2018) Optimized potassium nutrition improves plant-water-relations of barley under PEG-induced osmotic stress. Plant Soil 430, 23-35.

Chen, Q.; Hooper, D.U.; Li, H.; Gong, X.Y.; Peng, F.; Wang, H.; Dittert, K. & Lin, S. (2017) Effects of resource addition on recovery of production and plant functional composition in degraded semiarid grasslands. Oecologia 184, 13-24.

Dittert, K. & Bürkert, A. (2017) Spezielle Probleme der Düngung. In Ökologische Landwirtschaft. Eds. M Wachendorf, A Bürkert and R Graß. pp. 338-351. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany.

Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Tränkner, M.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2017) Quantitative limitations to photosynthesis in K deficient sunflower and their implications on water-use efficiency. Journal of Plant Physiology 209, 20-30.

Ruser, R.; Fuss, R.; Andres, M.; Hegewald, H.; Kesenheimer, K.; Köbke, S.; Rabiger, T.; Quinones, T.S.; Augustin, J.; Christen, O.; Dittert, K.; Kage, H.; Lewandowski, I.; Prochnow, A.; Stichnothe, H. & Flessa, H. (2017) Nitrous oxide emissions from winter oilseed rape cultivation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 249, 57-69.

Wu, D.; Senbayram, M.; Well, R.; Brüggemann, N.; Pfeiffer, B.; Loick, N.; Stempfhuber, B.; Dittert, K. & Bol, R. (2017) Nitrification inhibitors mitigate N2O emissions more effectively under straw-induced conditions favoring denitrification. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 104, 197-207.

Avenhaus, U.; Cabeza, R.A.; Liese, R.; Sulieman, S.; Lingner, A.; Dittert, K.; Salinas-Riester, G.; Pommerenke, C. & Schulze, J. (2016) Short-term molecular acclimation processes of legume nodules to increased external oxygen concentration. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 1133.

Gong, X.Y.; Giese, M.; Dittert, K.; Lin, S. & Taube, F. (2016) Topographic influences on shoot litter and root decomposition in semiarid hilly grasslands. Geoderma 282, 112-119.

Jákli, B.; Tränkner, M.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2016): Adequate supply of potassium improves plant water-use efficiency but not leaf water-use efficiency of spring wheat. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 179, 733-745.

Tränkner, M.; Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Geilfus, C.M.; Cakmak, I.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2016) Magnesium deficiency decreases biomass water-use efficiency and increases leaf water-use efficiency and oxidative stress in barley plants. Plant Soil 406, 409-423.

Wiesler, F.; Hund-Rinke, K.; Gäth, S.; George, E.; Greef, J.M.; Hölzle, L.E.; Holz, F.; Hülsbergen, K.J.; Pfeil, R.; Severin, K.; Frede, H.G.; Blum, B.; Schenkel, H.; Horst, W.; Dittert, K.; Ebertseder, T.; Osterburg, B.; Philipp, W. & Pietsch, M. (2016) Use of organic fertilizers and organic wastes in agriculture. Berichte über Landwirtschaft – Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft 94: 1-25, doi:

Cabeza, R.A.; Liese, R.; Fischinger, S.A.; Sulieman, S.; Avenhaus, U.; Lingner, A.; Hein, H.; Koester, B.; Baumgarten, V.; Dittert, K. & Schulze, J. (2015) Long-term non-invasive and continuous measurements of legume nodule activity. Plant Journal 81, 637-648.

Gong, X.Y.; Fanselow, N.; Dittert, K.; Taube, F. & Lin, S. (2015) Response of primary production and biomass allocation to nitrogen and water supplementation along a grazing intensity gradient in semiarid grassland. Europ J Agronomy 63. Eur. J. Agron. 63, 27-35.

Köster, J.R.; Cardenas, L.; Bol, R.; Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Senbayram, M.; Well, R.; Giesemann, A. & Dittert, K. (2015) Anaerobic digestates lower N2O emissions compared to cattle slurry by affecting rate and product stoichiometry of denitrification - an N2O isotopomer case study. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 84, 65-74.

Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Brück, H. (2015) Daytime leaf water use efficiency does not explain the relationship between plant N status and biomass water-use efficiency of tobacco under non-limiting water supply. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 178, 682-692.

Tao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Jin, X.; Saiz, G.; Jing, R.; Guo, L.; Liu, M.; Shi, J.; Zuo, Q.; Tao, H.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Dittert, K. & Lin, S. (2015) More rice with less water - evaluation of yield and resource use efficiency in ground cover rice production system with transplanting. Eur. J. Agron. 68, 13-21.

Xiao, Q.Y.; De Gernier, H.; Kupcsik, L.; De Pessemier, J.; Dittert, K.; Fladung, K.; Verbruggen, N. & Hermans, C. (2015) Natural genetic variation of Arabidopsis thaliana root morphological response to magnesium supply. Crop & Pasture Science 66, 1249-1258.

Cabeza, R.; Koester, B.; Liese, R.; Lingner, A.; Baumgarten, V.; Dirks, J.; Salinas-Riester, G.; Pommerenke, C.; Dittert, K. & Schulze, J. (2014) A RNA sequencing transcriptome analysis reveals novel insights into molecular aspects of the nitrate impact on the nodule activity of Medicago truncatula. Plant Physiol., 164, 400-411.

Cabeza, R.A.; Liese, R.; Lingner, A.; von Stieglitz, I.; Neumann, J.; Salinas-Riester, G.; Pommerenke, C.; Dittert, K. & Schulze, J. (2014) RNA-seq transcriptome profiling reveals that Medicago truncatula nodules acclimate N2 fixation before emerging P deficiency reaches the nodules 3. J. Exp. Bot. 65, 6035-6048.

Cabeza, R.A.; Lingner, A.; Liese, R.; Sulieman, S.; Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Schulze, J. (2014) The activity of nodules of the supernodulating mutant Mt(sunn) is not limited by photosynthesis under optimal growth conditions, 5. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15, 6031-6045.

Chen, R.; Senbayram, M.; Blagodatsky, S.; Myachina, O.; Dittert, K.; Lin, X.; Blagodatskaya, E. & Kuzyakov, Y. (2014) Soil C and N availability determine the priming effect: microbial N mining and stoichiometric decomposition theories. Glob. Change Biol. 20, 2356–2367.

Claus, S.; Taube, F.; Wienforth, B.; Svoboda, N.; Sieling, K.; Kage, H.; Senbayram, M.; Dittert, K.; Gericke, D.; Pacholski, A. & Herrmann, A. (2014) Life-cycle assessment of biogas production under the environmental conditions of northern Germany: greenhouse gas balance. J. Agric. Sci., in press.

Köster, J.R.; Dittert, K.; Mühling, K.H.; Kage, H. & Pacholski, A. (2014) Cold season ammonia emissions from land spreading with anaerobic digestates from biogas production. Atmospheric Environment, 84, 35-38.

Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Well, R.; Köster, J.R.; Fuss, R.; Senbayram, M.; Dittert, K. & Flessa, H. (2014) Experimental determinations of isotopic fractionation factors associated with N2O production and reduction during denitrification in soils. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 134, 55–73.

Schmeer, M.; Loges, R.; Dittert, K.; Senbayram, M.; Horn R. & Taube, F. (2014) Legume-based forage production systems reduce nitrous oxide emissions. 1. Soil & Tillage Research 143, 17-25.

Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.; Wienforth, B.; Herrmann, A.; Kage, H.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K., (2014) Emission of N2O from Biogas Crop Production Systems in Northern Germany. BioEnergy Res. 4, 1223-1236.

Claus, S.; Taube, F.; Wienforth, B.; Svoboda, N.; Sieling, K.; Kage, H.; Senbayram, M.; Dittert, K.; Gericke, D.; Pacholski, A. & Herrmann, A. (2013): Life Cycle Assessment of biogas production under the environmental conditions of northern Germany: Greenhouse gas balance. J Agric Sci First View, 1-10.

Dittert, K.; Senbayram, M. & Köster, J.R. (2013) N-fertilizer related nitrous oxide emissions – what we know, what we can do. In XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting Proceedings Book. pp. 87-88. Sabanci University, Istanbul.

Köster, J.R.; Pacholski, A.; Dittert, K.; Kage, H.; Denmead, O.T.; Griffith, D.W.T.; Chen, D. & Mühling, K.H. (2013) Cold season ammonia and methane emissions from anaerobic digestates during land spreading and storage determined by Open Path FTIR and a micrometeorological model. In XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting Proceedings Book. pp. 917-918. Sabanci University, Istanbul.

Köster, J.R.; Well, R.; Dittert, K.; Giesemann, A.; Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Mühling, K.H.; Herrmann, A.; Lammel, J. & Senbayram, M. (2013) Soil denitrification potential and ist influence on N2O reduction and N2O isotopomer ratios. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 27, 2363-2373.

Köster, J.R.; Well, R.; Dittert, K.; Giesemann, A.; Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Mühling, K.H.; Herrmann, A.; Lammel, J. & Senbayram, M. (2013): Soil denitrification potential and ist influence on N2O reduction and N2O isotopomer ratios. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2013, 27, 1–11 doi: 10.1002/rcm.6699.

Köster, J.R.; Well, R.; Tuzson, B.; Bol, R.; Dittert, K.; Giesemann, A.; Emmenegger, L.; Manninen, A.; Cárdenas, L. & Mohn, J. (2013) Novel laser spectroscopic technique for continuous analysis of N2O isotopomers - application and inter-comparison with isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 27, 216-222.

Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Brück, H. (2013) Nitrogen supply enhances intrinsic but not biomass water use efficiency. In XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting Proceedings Book. pp. 477-479. Sabanci University, Istanbul.

Chen, R.R.; Blagodatskaya, E.; Senbayram, M.; Blagodatsky, S.; Myachina, O.; Dittert, K. & Kuzyakov, Y. (2012) Decomposition of biogas residues in soil and their effects on microbial growth kinetics and enzyme activities. Biomass Bioenerg., 45, 221-229.

Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.R.; Budai, A.; Bakken, L.; & Dittert, K. (2012): N2O emission and the N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio of denitrification as controlled by available carbon substrates and nitrate concentrations. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment., 147:4-12.

Chen, R. R.; Hu, J. L.; Dittert, K.; Wang, J. H.; Zhang, J. B. & Lin, X. G. (2011) Soil total nitrogen and natural 15N in response to long-term fertilizer management of a maize-wheat cropping system in northern China. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 42, 322-331.

Chen, R.R.; Senbayram, M.; Lin, X.G. & Dittert, K. (2011) Origin of positive d13C of emitted CO2 from soils after application of biogas residues. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43, 2194-2199.

Fanselow, N.; Schönbach, P.; Gong, X.Y.; Lin, S.; Taube, F.; Loges, R.; Pan, Q. & Dittert, K. (2011) Short-term regrowth responses of four steppe grassland species to water, nitrogen, and grazing intensity in Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 279-289.

Gong, X.Y.; Chen, Q.; Dittert, K.; Taube, F. & Lin, S. (2011) Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutritional status of semiarid steppe grassland in Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 265-278.

Gong, X.Y.; Chen, Q.; Lin, S.; Brueck, H.; Dittert, K.; Taube, F. & Schnyder, H. (2011) Tradeoffs between nitrogen and water use efficiency in dominant species of the semiarid steppe of Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 227-238.

Köster, J.R.; Cárdenas, L.; Senbayram, M.; Bol, R.; Well, R.; Butler, M.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2011) Rapid shift from denitrification to nitrification in soil after biogas residue application as indicated by nitrous oxide isotopomers. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43, 1671-1677.

Köster, J.R.; Cardenas, L.; Senbayram, M.; Bol, R.; Well, R.; Butler, M.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2011): Rapid shift from denitrification to nitrification in soil after biogas residue application as indicated by nitrous oxide isotopomers. Soil Biology and Biochem. 43: 1671-1677.

Li, J.; Lin, S.; Taube, F.; Pan, Q. & Dittert, K. (2011) Above and belowground net primary productivity of grassland influenced by supplemental water and nitrogen in Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 253-264.

Liu, Y.; Pan, Q.M.; Liu, H.D.; Bai, Y.F.; Simmons, M.; Dittert, K. & Han, X.G. (2011) Plant responses following grazing removal at different stocking rates in an Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 340, 199-213.

Nannen, D.U.; Hermann, A.; Loges, R.; Dittert, K. & Taube, F. (2011) Recovery of mineral fertiliser N and slurry N in continuous silage maize using the 15N and difference methods. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 89, 269-280.

Wu, H.; Dannenmann, M.; Fanselow, N.; Wolf, B.; Yao, Z.; Wu, X.; Brüggemann, N.; Zhen, X.; Han, X.; Dittert, K. & Butterbach-Bahl, K. (2011) Feedback of grazing on gross rates of N mineralization and inorganic N partitioning in steppe soils of Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 1127-139.

Herrmann, A.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2010) Treibhausgasemissionen aus der Landwirtschaft. Biogas Journal, 3/2010, 90-94.

Dittert, K. & Mühling, K.H. (2009) Emission of climate relevant trace gases in intensive plant production. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, 4, 207-211.

Dittert, K.; Senbayram, M.; Chen, R. & Mühling, K.H. (2009): Greenhouse gas emissions in biogas production systems. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI. Davis. USA.

Gevrek, M.N.; Beser, N.; Dittert, K. & Tatar, Ö. (2009) Effects of plastic film mulching cultivation system on some agronomic characters of rice in relation with the increase of paddy acreage. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 14, 15-29.

Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2009): Contribution of nitrification and denitrification-derived nitrous oxide emissions from soil after application of biogas waste compared to other fertilizers. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry. 23; 2489-2498.

Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.R. & Dittert, K. (2009) Contribution of nitrification and denitrification to nitrous oxide emissions from soils amended with biogas waste compared to other fertilizers. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 23, 2489-2498.

Zhang, L.; Lin, S.; Bouman, B.A.M.; Xue, C.Y.; Wei, F.T.; Tao, H.B.; Yang, X.G.; Wang, H.Q.; Zhao, D.L. & Dittert, K. (2009) Response of aerobic rice growth and grain yield to N fertilizer at two contrasting sites near Beijing, China. Field Crops Res., 114, 45-53.

Chen, R.R. & Dittert, K. (2008) Diffusion technique for 15N and inorganic N analysis of low-N aqueous solutions and Kjeldahl digests. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 22, 1727-1734.

Wachendorf, C.; Lampe, C.; Taube, F. & Dittert, K. (2008) Nitrous oxide emissions and dynamics of soil nitrogen under 15N-labeled cow urine and dung patches on a sandy grassland soil. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 171, 171-180.

Kreye, C.; Dittert, K.; Zheng, X.H.; Zhang, X.; Lin, S.; Tao, H.B. & Sattelmacher, B. (2007) Fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide in water-saving rice production in north China. Nutrient Cyc. Agroecosyst., 77, 293-304.

Tao, H.B.; Dittert, K.; Zhang, L.M.; Lin, S.; Römheld, V. & Sattelmacher, B. (2007): Effects of soil water content on growth, tillering, and manganese uptake of lowland rice grown in the water-saving ground-cover rice-production system (GCRPS). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 170, 7-13.

Dittert, K.; Wötzel, J. & Sattelmacher, B. (2006): Responses of Alnus glutinosa to anaerobic conditions – mechanisms and rate of oxygen flux into the roots. Plant Biology, 8, 212-223.

Lampe, C.; Dittert, K.; Sattelmacher, B.; Wachendorf, M.; Loges, R. & Taube, F. (2006) Sources and rates of nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grassland after application of 15N-labelled mineral fertilizer and slurry. Soil Biol. Biochem., 38, 2602-2613.

Tao, H.; Brück, H.; Dittert, K.; Kreye, C.; Lin, S. & Sattelmacher, B. (2006) Growth and yield formation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the water-saving ground cover rice production system (GCRPS). Field Crops Research, 95, 1-12.

Dittert, K.; Lampe, C.; Gasche, R.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Wachendorf, M.; Papen, H.; Sattelmacher, B. & Taube, F. (2005) Short-term effects of single or combined application of mineral N fertilizer and cattle slurry on the fluxes of radiatively active trace gases from grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37, 1665-1674.

Bol, R.; Petersen, S.; Christofides, C.; Dittert, K. & Hansen, M.N. (2004) Short-term N2O, CO2, NH3 fluxes, and N/C transfers in a Danish grass-clover pasture after simulated urine deposition in autumn. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 167, 568-576.

Lin, S.; Dittert, K. Wu, W.L. & Sattelmacher, B. (2004) Added nitrogen interaction as affected by soil nitrogen pool size and fertilisation - significance of displacement of fixed ammonium. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 167, 138-146.

Lin, S.; Sattelmacher, B.; Kutzmutz, E.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2004) Influence of nitrogen nutrition on tuber quality of potato with special reference to the pathway of nitrate transport into tubers. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 27, 341-350.

Xu, Y.C.; Shen, Q.R.; Li, M.L.; Dittert, K. & Sattelmacher, B. (2004) Effect of soil water status and mulching on N2O and CH4 emission from lowland rice field in China. Short communication. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 39, 215-217.

Coester, M.; Dittert, K. & Sattelmacher, B. (2001) Contribution of fresh-shredded green material to the nitrogen nutrition of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) on a Black Earth Soil (Stagnic Phaeozem). Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 59, 259-267.

Dittert, K.; Bol, R.; King, R.; Chadwick, D. and Hatch, D (2001) Use of a novel nitrification inhibitor to reduce nitrous oxide emission from 15N-labelled dairy slurry injected into soil. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 15, 1291-1296.

Dilly, O.; Bach, H.J.; Blume, H.P.; Buscot, F.; Dittert, K.; Kappen, L.; Kutsch, W.; Middelhoff, B.; Mogge, B.; Pritsch, K.; Wötzel, J. & Munch, J.-C. (1999) Microbial processes and features of the microbiota in histosols from a Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) forest. Geomicrobiology Journal, 16, 65-78.

Dittert, K.; Goerges, T.; Bless, H.G.; Lin, S. & Sattelmacher, B. (1999) Stickstoffdynamik im Boden nach Gülledüngung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der N-Pflanzenaufnahme. Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, 3, 53-58.

Dittert, K.; Goerges, T. & Sattelmacher, B. (1998) Nitrogen turnover in soil after application of animal manure and slurry as studied by the stable isotope 15N: a review. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 161, 453-463.

Goerges, T. & Dittert, K. (1998) Improved diffusion technique for 15N:14N analysis of ammonium and nitrate from aqueous samples by stable isotope spectrometry. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 3 & 4, 361-368.

Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Pfeiffer, B. (2018): The cropping system matters – Contrasting responses of winter faba bean genotypes to drought stress. EUCARPIA Symposium on Breeding for Diversification, February 19th - 21st, Witzenhausen, Germany.

Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Tränkner, M. & Dittert, K. (2017) Restricted CO2 diffusion through the leaf mesophyll and not stomatal regulation limits photosynthesis in K deficient sunflower. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), August 21st – 24th, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jákli, B.; Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E. & Dittert, K. (2017) Restricted CO2 diffusion through the leaf mesophyll and not stomatal regulation limits photosynthesis in K deficient crop plants. Frontiers of Potassium, January 25th – 27th, Rome, Italy.

Lingner, A. & Dittert, K. (2017): Remote sensing of productivity and water use in legume-based mixed cropping systems. 60. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e.V. (GPW), September 26th - 28th, Witzenhausen, Germany.

Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E.; Jákli, B. & Dittert, K. (2017) Photoprotective responses and PSII functionality under Mg deficiency. XVIII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), August 21st – 24th, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2016): Water use efficiency and drone-based spectral screening of productivity in mixed cropping systems. Second International Legume Society Conference (ILS), October 11th - 14th, Tróia, Portugal.

Jákli, B.; Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E. & Dittert, K. (2015) Der Einfluss von Kalium auf die Wassernutzungseffizienz von Weizen – vom einzelnen Blatt zur gesamten Pflanze. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 17th – 18th, Göttingen, Germany.

Jákli, B.; Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E. & Dittert, K. (2015) The role of potassium in optimizing water-use efficiency and drought adaptation - from single leaves to whole plants. 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), August 31st – September 04th, Göttingen, Germany.

Tränkner, M.; Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Magnesium deficient barley plants have lower biomass water-use efficiency and increased sensitivity to excess light energy. 2nd Magnesium Symposium, November 4th – 6th, São Paulo, Brazil.

Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Pfeiffer, B. (2018): The cropping system matters – Contrasting responses of winter faba bean genotypes to drought stress. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, February 05th - 07th, Potsdam, Germany.

Lingner, A.; Pfeiffer, B. & Dittert, K. (2017): Performance and drought stress response of winter faba bean genotypes in mixed cropping with winter wheat. XVIII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), August 21st - 24th, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lingner, A.; Pfeiffer, B. & Dittert, K. (2017): Winter faba bean growth in pure and mixed stands under water deficit conditions in the greenhouse. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, February 20th - 22nd, Potsdam, Germany.

Tränkner, M.; Senbayram, M.; Jákli, B.; Halicki, S.; Dittert, K. & Zörb, C. (2017) Comparative Study on Proteome Changes in Response to Potassium Deficiency and Drought in Triticum aestivum Roots. Frontiers of Potassium Science Conference, January 25th – 27th, Rome, Italy.

Jákli, B., Senbayram, M.; Meyer zur Müdehorst, J.; Fuchs, M.; Böttcher, F.; Hertwig, F.; Lingner, A. & Dittert, K. (2016) Drone-based remote screening of water-use efficiency. 75th Congress of the International Institute for Beet Research (IIRB), February 16th – 17th, Brussels, Belgium.

Lingner, A. & Dittert, K. (2016): Spectral screening of legume-based mixed cropping systems using NDVI imaging. Internationale Pflanzenbautagung, November 17th -18th, Bernburg, Germany.

Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2016): Traits for water use in mixed cropping systems. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, March 14th - 16th, Potsdam, Germany.

Lingner, A.; Siebrecht, D.; Senbayram, M.; Link, W. & Dittert, K. (2016): Productivity of legume-based mixed cropping systems as estimated by NDVI imaging. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 28th - 30th, Hohenheim, Germany.

Lingner, A.; Dittert, K.; Steinmann, H.; Isselstein, J.; Link, W. & Senbayram, M. (2015): Traits for water and nutrient use in mixed cropping systems. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 17th - 18th, Göttingen, Germany.

Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2015) Photoprotective reactions of Mg deficient barley plants. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 17th – 18th, Göttingen, Germany.

Tavakol, E.; Tränkner, M.; Jákli, B.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Adequate K supply enhances tolerance to drought situations via optimized NPQ and antioxidant activity in spring wheat. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 10th – 12th, Halle (Saale), Germany.

Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Adequate magnesium supply increases biomass water-use efficiency and mitigates effects of excess light energy in barley. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 10th – 12th, Halle (Saale), Germany.

Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Brueck, H. (2013) Nitrogen supply enhances intrinsic but not biomass water use efficiency. XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), August 19th – 22nd, Istanbul, Turkey.

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Bouman, B.; Barker, R.; Humphreys, E.; Tuong, T.P.; Atlin, G.; Bennett, J.; Dawe, D.; Dittert, K.; et al. (2007) Rice Feeding the Billions. In: Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. Synthesis Report. Earthscan, London, and International Water Management Institute, Colombo, 515-549.

Kappen, L.; Sattelmacher, B.; Dittert, K. & Buscot, F. (1998) Symbiosen in ökosystemarer Sicht. In: Fränzle, O.; Müller, F.; Schröder, W. (eds.) Handbuch der Umweltwissenschaften: Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Ökosystemforschung. Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg, IV-3.5, 1-28.

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